Current Projects
Comprehensive Employer Ratings
We're firstly interested in providing job seekers a clearer understanding of what companies provide the most attractive work environment by allowing them to sort by company rating. Next, we want to allow job seekers to compare top-rated companies across fields and company size category. Finally, we want to perform exploratory data analysis of employee reviews to identify potential patterns. For example, do high-performance companies (e.g. Amazon, Microsoft, etc.) have harsher reviews? Which companies get shorter or longer reviews? Does diction or tone change based on company, company type, or size? If you are interested in working with us on this project, please email
Current Status
This project is actively being researched and developed.
Company Milestones
Submitted a request for API access to a major company reviews website, Cashews-B.
Technical Milestones
Performed one proof-of-concept scraping of a major company reviews website, Cashews-A
Improved Food Nutrition Search Algorithm
Herman Franklin LLC is currently working on developing a food information search algorithm for quick and reliable food nutrition insights. Instead of Googling individual food items for specific nutrition information, like "protein content of a Ballpark hotdog", you can get a sorted list of the options that best meet your criteria. The technology behind this innovation includes natural language processing (NLP) methods for knowledge extraction. Future work will include development of a more robust suite of knowledge extraction AI.
Current Status
This project is actively being researched and developed. Although this entire project is subject to the protection of intellectual property laws, we are more than happy to arrange a meeting to showcase some of our proud accomplishments to interested parties. Please contact
Company Milestones
Submitted a project pitch in 2020 to the NSF Seed Fund for an SBIR/STTR grant, which was accepted and turned into an invitation for a full proposal submission. For investment opportunities please contact
Hired a video production team to produce a product mockup
Hired a grant writer for assistance with the NSF SBIR/STTR grant
Set a domain placeholder for the product:
Technical Milestones
Scraped nutrition information text for over 81 brands spanning 41 websites resulting in 2519 observations in either text or image format.
Homogenized the data set by converting 396 image format nutrition information observations into text.
Parsed about over 1900 observations using regular expressions to create a training data set. This dataset will be protected by intellectual property laws.
IN PROGRESS: We are developing an evaluation metric for training and testing our model.